ACEDS Benelux

Community Connected Careers

E-Discovery In Our City and Beyond

The goal of ACEDS Benelux is to bring together professionals across the local IT and Legal communities to promote best practices in the field of E-Discovery through various avenues for education, training, and networking.

The ACEDS Benelux Chapter is also your direct link to the national ACEDS organization. As a member of our Chapter, you not only receive the benefit of both local and national membership, but you gain an entire network of individuals in Benelux and across the globe looking to enhance their E-discovery careers.

Board of Directors

Meet the ACEDS Benelux Chapter Board.


Explore upcoming events and connect with your community.

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Supporters & Sponsors

We greatly appreciate those who make our events possible.

ACEDS Benelux Chapter Upcoming Events

The global ACEDS community is filled with opportunities for members to connect with each other in e-discovery. We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming international, national, or chapter networking or training event.

Unless indicated, all chapter events are open to both members and non-members and do not have a charge to attend. All are welcome.

If you aren’t able to find something on the community calendar or are aware of an event that needs to be added, please contact us at 844-992-2337 or We are always looking for ways to better serve our members!

Latest Past Events

eDiscovery: Generatieve AI en de AI Act

Houthoff 50 Gustav Mahlerplein, 1082 MA Amsterdam, Amsterdam

Leer meer over Generatieve AI, de AI Act en eDiscovery en kom netwerken op ons live evenement!🌟 Leer meer over Generatieve AI, de AI Act en eDiscovery op ons live […]

E-Discovery Symposium 2024

The ACEDS Benelux Chapter is thrilled to be participating in the upcoming event, the E-Discovery Symposium 2024 hosted by Hogeschool Leiden. As a leading organization in the field of e-discovery, […]

Intern onderzoek met eDiscovery in het tijdperk van data privacy regulering

Wilhelminakade 1 1 Wilhelminakade, 3072 AP Rotterdam, Rotterdam

Privacy wetgeving leidt tot uitdagingen in het gebruik van persoonlijke gegevens in interne onderzoeken. Het panel bespreekt de ins-en-out.De data volumes die organisaties genereren groeien met ongeëvenaarde snelheid. Bij interne […]